We Love How Much Britney Spears Loves Her Sons' Drawings

    Your regular Britney update.

    So, we're all well aware that Britney Spears is the ultimate singer and ~artiste~ of our time...

    Sometimes you just gotta play!!!!!! 🤓😜💋💅🏻👩‍🎨🎨👯👗👛👒👠🦄🦋🐠🌹💥💥

    Twitter: @britneyspears

    But did you also know that her sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, have quite a knack for artistry too?

    Apparently, they're huge fans of anime and manga, and especially the Dragon Ball universe.

    And Britney is suh a supportive mom! She captioned this one "My children’s art inspires me everyday."

    And these two as "Proud mommy moment!"

    Twitter: @britneyspears

    "I give him 💯💯💯 points!"

    And the boys don't just draw fan art. They also drew their pop star mom herself!

    This post was translated from Japanese.