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    11 Ways You Know You're a Pacific SoECS Student

    "Sleep is for the weak."

    1. You know everyone in your major.

    2. You can somehow run on no sleep and still be perfectly functional.

    3. Your closest friends are the ones you bonded with during your all-nighters in the computer labs.

    4. There’s always a candy stash available. (But do you actually know where it is?)

    5. Deanna, Deb, Ester, Kathy, Lisa, Peggy, Stacey, and know at least one of these ladies has helped you out before.

    6. You have a dean who hangs out with dinosaurs.

    7. You've been to the Cardboard Regatta...

    8. When you finally get that co-op you’ve always wanted.

    9. Whether you've done it or not, you've always wanted to paint The Rock.

    10. When completing your senior project is scarier than all your finals combined.

    11. When you’ve made it to graduation day and you’re ready to take on the world.