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17 Products From The 2010s That Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time But Legit Were Not

Leave the past in the past.

A new year and new decade are upon us! So what better time than now to reflect on the past?

Like, reflecting on all the trends and products that we thought were so bitchin', only to realize, with time, that they were NOT IT!

Well, recently Reddit user DJ_The_Skeleton asked, "What product has the 2010s produced that will be remembered for being absolutely ridiculous?" Lemme tell ya, these items will have you scratching your head.

Here are some of the wildest trends and products that absolutely need to stay in the 2010s:

1. Hoverboards:

2. Fidget spinners:

3. Ride-on suitcases:

4. Influencers:

5. Killer clowns:

6. Kony 2012:

7. Minion products:

8. Juicero:

9. Micro-transaction mobile games:

10. Shake Weights:

11. Snuggies:

12. Home listening devices:

13. Selfie sticks:

14. Bitcoin/microcurrency:

15. Google Glass:

16. Snacking on Tide Pods:

17. Silly Bandz:

Which 2010s trends and products do you refuse to bring into the next decade? Let us know in the comments below!