Here Are 17 Patients From "Grey's Anatomy" Who Make Me Ugly Cry When I Think Of Them

    The longest running medical drama calls for a lot of patients!

    1. Bonnie Crasnoff and Tom Maynard

    2. Beth Monroe

    3. Liz Fallon

    4. Henry Burton

    5. Mary Portman

    6. Ray and Stan

    7. Rick from the ferry boat crash

    8. Cathy Becker

    9. Katie Bryce

    10. Ellis Grey

    11. Ava/Rebecca

    12. Zola Grey Shepherd

    13. Adele Webber

    14. James Evans

    15. Diane Pierce

    16. Jessica Smithson

    17. Denny Duquette

    Now, I know I didn't get to all the patients – there are 332 episode, after all – so let us know your fave Grey Sloan Memorial patients in the comments below!