23 Tweets For People Who've Seen The Light And Are Now #TeamJohnAmbrose

    P.S. I am now #TeamJohnAmbrose

    Last week, Netflix shook the internet with the second installation of TATBILB, To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You. A mere year ago, I was a humble member of the Peter Kavinsky Fan Club, but today, I am here to tell you that I have switched allegiances and I am now #TeamJohnAmbrose.

    Here are all the other people who've also switched sides:


    Peter Kavinski’s dirty ass just wanted a girl to make out with in the hot tub and hang out with every now and then, it can be Gen or Lara, he doesn’t give a shit. John Ambrose wanted LARA JEAN, just her, not because he wants someone to be with but because she’s LARA. JEAN.


    peter kavinsky - ignores lj at parties - plagiarizes poetry - eats the last slice - invited gen to the treehouse john ambrose - pays attention to lj - neck is of regular width - PLAYS PIANO - READER - just better??? lara jean wake up


    John Ambrose McClaren and His Smile. That’s it. That’s the tweet #ToAlltheBoys2


    Lara Jean- Everyone liked you in middle school. John Ambrose- I didn’t care about everyone.. My feelings- #ToAlltheBoys2


    okay but that scene where john ambrose tells lara jean that she was the reason behind why everyone called him “john ambrose” whilst he was playing the piano #PSIStillLoveYou #ToAllTheBoys


    idk about u guys but i fell for John Ambrose 🥺


    Fuck it, if Lara Jean doesn’t want John Ambrose then I’ll have him. #ToAlltheBoys2


    me being a clown still shipping Lara Jean with John Ambrose knowing SO WELL she picked Peter Kavinsky #PSIStillLoveYou #ToAlltheBoys2


    Me on my way to get John Ambrose because she left him in the snow #ToAlltheBoys2


    “ReAd ThE bOoKs” well guess what???? i did and i still like john ambrose over peter! it’s my opinion byeeeeeeee!


    my mans can play piano, write letters, play bingo w/ old people...meanwhile what can peter do? plagiarize edgar allen poe? get with the program lara jean #TeamJohn


    How can y’all be #TeamPeter when he couldn’t even write LJ a real poem but John Ambrose freestyled a whole piano solo? #TeamJohnAmbrose #TeamJohn


    think it’s safe to say, the world is now in love with john ambrose mcclaren AND jordan fisher now #ToAlltheBoys2


    me realizing John Ambrose McClaren is a fictional character. #ToAlltheBoys2


    bitches don’t want noah centineo bitches want jordan fisher


    Jordan Fisher romantically playing musical instruments is a huge mood: #ToAllTheBoys2


    i already know jordan fisher playing john ambrose gonna make it real hard to be team peter


    me, watching the trailer: oh THANK GOD I am still totally 100% Team Peter Kavinsky I love him forever no one can take his place I– John Ambrose McClaren: bitch you thought


    Current Sexuality: John Ambrose playing the piano & telling Lara Jean why everyone started calling him John Ambrose #ToAlltheBoys2 #ToAllTheBoys


    be my john ambrose in this world full of peter kavinsky


    if no one looks at me the way john ambrose looks at lara jean, then i dont want them


    Normally hardcore #TeamPeter but the second John Ambrose started playing piano..........


    Am I allowed to just go ahead and start a #TeamJohn moment? Asking for a me