I Watched "The Bachelorette" Premiere So You Didn't Have Too — Here's All The Drama You Missed

    And that's what you missed on Bach!

    Helloooooo, Bach Nation! Welcome to your first installment of Bach in a Bite: The Official Bachelorette Recap.

    Clare Crawley's promotional image for The Bachelorette.

    Now, I'm not tryna be like the two-hour premiere, so let's dive right in, shall we?

    The season starts off with some safety precautions! All the suitors spent time in quarantine before moving into the mansion* so they could all smooch Clare while being COVID-free.

    And so the procession started! I'm not gonna lie, some of these men blended together — because duh — but there were a few lads who stood out, IMO.

    Clare nervously waiting for her suitors to arrive.

    First, there was Eazy, who jumped through a paper wall that read "your future husband." I don't think he's the man for Clare, per se, but I do think he's gonna give GREAT comedic relief.

    Then there was Blake Moynes, who was super sweet. The two ended up sharing a kiss after Clare expressed how much him checking on her during quarantine meant to her. I seriously thought he was in the running for first impression rose...

    ...but that F.I.P. went to Dale. Moments after meeting him, Clare claimed that she "just met [her] husband."

    Now, what would the opening night cocktail party be without a lil' bit of drama? This week, it came in the form of Tyler accusing Yosef of talking to other girls on IG while the suitors were quarantining. Yosef maintained his innocence — jury's still out on that one — and thus resulted in Tyler being the one sent home.

    Yosef looking relieved after receiving the final rose.

    Several men also joined Tyler in going home on the first night: AJ, Chris, Jeremy, Jordan, Mike, Robby, and heart-on-his-chest Page. A fallen petal for each of our fallen suitors.

    Aaaannnnd, that's what you missed! Tune in next week — and the rest of the season — for the roses, the thorns, and everything in between!