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    8 Things We Hate About Summer

    Summer is coming and we can't wait, but with the good also comes some bad. Here is a list of everything we hate about summer and quick fixes to avoid them.

    With summer quickly approaching, we all cannot wait to pull our tankinis out of storage and blow up our swimmies! While there is no doubt...

    that summer 2015 will be the best summer yet, there are somethings that the population despises about the season that is to come.

    1. Sticky Fingers

    Quick fix:

    Stop whining and jump in a pool or dive into some body of water. Your once sticky hands will now just be wet and you can go back to enjoying the summer you have always dreamed of.

    2. Peeling

    Quick fix:

    Don't wear black or other dark colors during your shedding phase for the sake of yourself and the vomit of others. People get pissed off when the parmesan shreds in their salad is actually your flaky skin.

    3. Pit Stains

    Quick fix:

    Bring 45 shirts with you so in the event of the pit flood, just change into a new shirt. Men, an quick tip for you is to trim your pit hair. Get over it, girls don't really even like it. Manscape your underarms and they won't leak out sweat as much. Ladies, wear the least amount of clothes possible and you won't get hot enough to even sweat in the first place. #brainblast

    4. Community Pools and Water Parks

    Quick fix:

    When you see the little monster squinting and breathing heavy, pick it up and throw it back at its cheap mother who wouldn't buy underwater diapers because they weren't on sale at WalMart.

    5. That Summer Song

    Quick fix:

    Don't Listen to the radio and make your own playlists. The radio plays four songs on a loop and leads you to despise any single. Learn the song so you can still participate in the summer, just don't go crazy with it. Just a peak into the future: Bad Blood was just released as Taylor Swift's next single and earybody knows how addicting a Swift song is. Who knows, it could be this summer's jam?!

    6. Summer Jobs

    Quick fix:

    Work mornings if possible. This way you still have time to enjoy the day rather than working in the middle and wasting the whole day. Or just work your ass off during the school year so you make enough dollars that you can spend your whole summer however you want.

    7. Unflatering Swimwear

    Quick fix:

    This advice is for the 400-800 pounders... Ladies wear a bathing suit that fits you properly and gentlemen tie your swimming trunks tightly on your waist so no one has the unfortunate experience of seeing your poop chute.

    8. It's Over Fast

    Quick fix:

    Live summer to the fullest. Screw television and your couch and get up and do something. Make memories and go somewhere every time that you have a chance. Even just invite your friends over and have a Lime-A-Rita in the backyard. Do as much as possible to make the short summer filled with great times and feel longer.
