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    'Twas The Night Of The Caucus

    A short story about Iowa's recent festivities. *None of the quotes in this story are real. Just a bit of fun. No one actually said any of this.*

    'Twas the night of the caucus, when all through the house

    Not a creature was stirring, but one mean-faced louse.

    Outside, the wind carried the cold winter frost,

    The sad man couldn't believe it: HE had lost.

    His kids were asleep, not knowing what happened.

    Ivanka was too, dreaming about Aspen.

    Trump looked at the state which had voted him second;

    He said, "They're all losers, anyway, I reckon".

    The Donald yelled, "How could they prefer Cruz to me?

    He wasn't even born in this freaking country!"

    He turned from the window in a senseless rage,

    But stopped and thought, "This doesn't work for my age".

    As Donald calmed down, his eye started to twitch,

    "Oh who cares about being president... I'm really, really rich!"

    Trump threw up his arms, pissed off at everything,

    "I own this whole country, I'm basically the king!"

    When all of a sudden, a bright light hit the wall;

    A dark figure appeared, around six feet tall.

    "Hey there, Donnie-boy! How is your well-being?"

    The Donald couldn't believe it! What was he seeing?

    The present dark figure surely was not a vixen,

    For standing in front of him, was former president, Richard Nixon.

    "Richard Nixon! You died twenty two years ago!

    What are you doing here, I really need to know!"

    "Listen here, Donnie, you're a great republican,

    But you need to learn how to 'stick it to the man'."

    "You listen to me, you old politician,

    Donald J. Trump is here, and on a big mission.

    I will be president some day, and some day soon.

    Don't tell me how to run my campaign, you mean, old goon."

    Nixon stood back, and couldn't believe what he heard.

    The fact that he came back to help Trump, was absurd.

    "Wow, I thought you would appreciate my help, dude.

    But you're just a big jerk, who can't help but be rude."

    Nixon started to go, but didn't get far;

    He said, "I am not a crook, but you sure are".

    And just like that, Richard Nixon was gone.

    Trump was alone, and let out a big yawn.

    The Donald set an alarm for the next morning;

    And wasn't even phased by Dick Nixon's fair warning.

    "Up until this moment, it was all games and fun;

    I'd still keep my fans, even if I shot someone."

    He took one look out that blasted window,

    And saw the folks who 'betrayed' him, standing below.

    Trump got into bed, angry and planning revenge;

    "2020 isn't far; I will be avenged."

    Across town, in a quiet Quality Inn,

    Sat an old, white haired man, determined to win.

    Trump's plan may not have gone quite as expected;

    The man gazed at the stars and smiled, "Challenge accepted".

    He yelled out the window to everyone in sight-

    "Happy Caucus to all, and feel the Bern tonight! "