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    10 Things We Forget As People

    The world (sadly) does not revolve around us. A few reminders for the people in us all.

    1. We all have our issues

    Sure, it's easy to think that everyone else's life is rainbows and sunshine while ours continue to fall apart. Isn't it fair for us to hate the success of others while we seem to continuously fail? We seem to forget that we all have our demons. Whether we have millions of dollars and Instagram followers, or are figuring out how to not eat Ramen for dinner the sixth time this week. Everyone else's life is not as perfect as you paint it to be in your own head.

    2. Nobody has it figured out

    Like literally, nobody. We all have our best guess but at the end of the day we are all just hoping we are doing the right thing. Just be the best 'you' that you can be.

    3. We aren't the only ones on this planet

    That's right! There are things other than us that matter, shockingly enough. You know that daily Starbucks you spoil yourself with because the rest of your day sucks? Those cups don't just vanish when you trash them. And now they sit in a dump because you were too lazy to walk the two feet to the recycling bin. Recycle people!

    4. We are all children trapped in grown up bodies

    I repeat, nobody has it figured out. Those insecurities we felt so intensely as children can still haunt us in our adult life. Whether it be our shyness that we never seemed to shake or our self consciousness in front of a crowd, we are all just as scared in our own ways. Have courage and be kind.

    5. A small gesture can mean the world to somebody else

    Whether it be holding the door an extra few seconds for the person coming in after you, or buying a coffee for the next person in line. We all have our daily struggles, some far heavier than others. You have know idea how much a cup of coffee or a friendly smile can help change somebody's perception of the world around them. Do not underestimate the power of kindness.

    6. We don't need any more negative people

    As far as a population goes we have definitely met our quota for assholes. Instead of immediately jumping to anger and road rage when somebody zooms past you, try and think about when you were the person doing the zooming. We have all been there, whether we are late for a class or our first day at work. Try to understand. Negative breeds more negative. Break the cycle and change your life for the better.

    7. Our opinions are all different, that's what makes us great

    One of the great things about life is that the experience is so different for every soul that has the opportunity to live it out. Each one of us has something to teach each other, if we just take the time to listen. Rather than trying to shove your perfect opinions down everyone else's throat, take a second to listen and to try and understand. You don't have to agree with everyone you talk to, but let others voices be heard and embrace their views. It's okay for people to be different, that's what makes us all so wonderful.

    8. Be kind to yourself

    We are blessed with these wonderful bodies that take us through the entirety of life. You can pump it full of energy drinks, cigarettes, drugs and anything else imaginable and it still does the best it can for you. Be grateful for the wonderful gift of life and appreciate the vessel in which you get to live it out. Go on a walk every day, have tea instead of soda, eat healthy, and take a few deep breathes and appreciate the magnificence that is you.

    9. Appreciate the little things

    All of the little moments make up this wonderful thing we call life. Your morning cup of coffee, how happy your dog is when you get home from a long day, tucking your toddler in at night. Often times we get so overwhelmed with the negatives in life that it's hard to focus on the beautiful little pieces that we get to enjoy every day. Take a minute each time you get one of these moments and breath it all in. Appreciate every last morsel of it.

    10. Choose love over hate, always.

    Love is all we need.