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    When You Have Social Anxiety

    Not even the smiling world of stock photos seems inviting.

    1. When the barista asks who's next...

    ...and you can only do this.

    2. When you approach a store clerk for help... think you look like this...

    ..but you actually look like this

    3. And when the cashier tries to make small talk...

    ...your response is this

    4. When you drop something...

    ...calling attention to yourself... feel like this.

    5. Crammed in an elevator... wish you could do this.

    6. And when they try to bring you into the conversation... feel like this.

    7. When you finally speak up,

    everyone is LOOKING at you!

    8. And their expressions seem to say:

    9. No matter how friendly people are...

    ...your first instinct is to hide.

    10. Party Invitations...

    ...feel like this.

    11. You prep for the shindig...

    ...but when you get there... see this.

    12. When someone waves hello and starts moving towards you to chat... see this.

    13. When you have to introduce yourself...

    14. feel like this.

    15. Approaching a stranger at a bar... as appealing as this.

    16. But you can handle hanging out with a few friends

    17. Then some more of their friends show up...

    ...then even more...

    ...suddenly there are Too. Many. People.

    18. You try to stay calm...

    ...but you have to excuse yourself.

    19. You'll do better next time!