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    7 Ways to Maintain Healthy Eyes and Normal Vision

    We often take our eyes for granted, we shouldn't! 7 Ways to Maintain Healthy Eyes and Normal Vision.

    1. Quit Smoking

    Smoking increases chances of getting cataracts, muscle degeneration. Quitting smoking can be difficult for some people and may not happen from the first try. But, the key is to keep trying. If needed, seek help of a professional psychiatrist to fight the addiction.

    2. Eat Healthy

    Healthy food is a key to keep your eyes healthy and maintain normal vision. Consume food diets that contain nutrients like Omega-3, Lutein, Zinc, and Vitamins C and E. This includes food life Salmon, Tuna, Meat, Fruits and Vegetables.

    3. Take Computer Breaks

    Computer screen may cause issues like eyestrain, dry eyes, headaches and blurry vision. When working with computers, it's recommended to take 15 minute breaks every hour of computer work. During the break, take time to blink and exercise your eyes. If you have been prescribed with glasses or contact lenses, please make sure you wear them while working in front of a screen.

    4. Exercise

    Our eyes need regular exercise to keep them healthy and active. You can find some great techniques here: Exercise4Eyes and WikiHow.

    5. Feed Your Eyes

    If your eyes are not getting enough vitamins and nutrients from your current diet, it is recommended to take supplements that contain Omega-3, Lutein and Zinc to maintain the optimal vision and eye health. Supplements like Visionace, MacuShield and Vermilion can be a good choice.

    6. Wear Sunglasses

    Sunglasses protect your eyes from Sun Ultraviolet (UV) rays. Try to choose sunglasses that block at least 99% of UV. Sunglasses are specifically useful during active Sun (e.g. in Summer).

    7. Examine Your Eyes

    Everyone should get their eyes tested and examined regularly (Once every 1 or 2 Years). Eye Tests can help to identify eye deceases and tackle these issues early on. Also, if you wear glasses or contact lenses, it's important to examine your eyes regularly to see if your prescribed pair is still suitable or should be changed.