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    17 POC To Follow For Wellness Inspiration

    These workouts are DIY, FUBU, and sure to get you F-I-T.

    First things first: Fitness is important for all people.

    With that said, the top four leading causes of death among African-Americans are heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. And according to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 60 percent of Hispanic-Americans will develop obesity and Type 2 diabetes. As we work to prevent these conditions, there's nothing wrong with having someone on your vision board who, well, looks like you. Here's a (non-exhaustive) list of people of color who are leading the charge on healthy living via social media.

    1. Hey Fran Hey

    2. Food Heaven Made Easy with Wendy & Jess

    3. "Mr. Shut Up and Train"

    4. Hang Tight with MarC

    5. MankoFit

    6. Kevin, Fit Men Cook

    7. iiKandii88

    8. Suraqah

    9. Anowa Adjah

    10. Jason Khalipa

    11. The Hollywood Trainer: Jeanette Jenkins

    12. The Hodge Twins

    13. Cassey Ho

    14. deactivatedfatgirl

    15. Guru of Abs

    16. My Name is Jessamyn

    17. Dr. Ian

    Who are your favorite fitness gurus of color? Please share in the comments below so we all can get healthy together!