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    The Emotional Roller Coaster Of Your High School Reunion

    It's homecoming season, which means you might be obliged to talk to your old high school classmates again.

    A while ago, you opened your mailbox, and there was this invitation

    It's time for your 5, 10 or 15... year reunion

    First, you are so down to go

    But then you find out that it costs money

    What about my old friends? Are they going?

    That's when it hits you

    Well, maybe you could reconnect with your old flame

    But you end up rationalizing it in the name of "Networking"

    Alright, let's do this and see what happens

    And worse case scenario...

    You forget about it and, all of a sudden, your reunion is this weekend

    You now have anxieties about everything

    What do I say when they ask what I am up to now?

    Do I have a +1?

    How do I make my entrance?

    How late do I have to be until I am fashionably late?

    Okay, it's time to go

    You arrive and immediately...

    The only people here were never your friends

    But wait, some more people are arriving... and that looks like one of your friends!

    And just when things look like the might get fun...

    Then you see him/her across the room: that girl/boy you were/still are obsessed with

    You tell yourself you are going to strike up a conversation

    But you know you will be all like

    Time for some liquid courage!

    Turns out he/she is married/engaged/in a relationship

    You resort to questioning the whole thing

    This leads you to the one person there like you

    You hang around for fifteen minutes to see if anything interesting happens

    You finally give up, you and your new friend go to a different bar

    And you live happily ever after

    And the next time that invitation comes...

    Because you know that obviously...