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    Best Moments from ‘Game of Thrones’: Battle of the Bastards

    Reconsider reading this, for this post is dark and full of spoilers.

    Sansa saves Helm’s Deep

    “We’re here to discuss your surrender, not mine.”

    Tyrion calls out hack comedians

    No one ever taught Rickon the Zig-zag theory of dodging things

    We caught another glimpse of the baddest lady in all of Westeros

    Jon Snow survived being trampled

    Hope Jon wasn't planning on having kids, since he just had his family jewels stomped on for 6 mins. #GameofThrones

    Via Twitter

    Granted, there were way less people in this stampede than in Wal-Mart during Black Friday, but these guys were all wearing heavy armor. The same thing killed Mufasa in The Lion King, but Jon Snow is just too awesome to be killed like that. #NoDisrespectToSimba

    This POS is finally dead