

I'm a lazy alcoholic with no career goals or other life aspirations who enjoys dumpster diving, nude walks through high traffic areas, growing a beard to a length habitable by families of small rodents, dining on the finest rotten banana peels and washing it all down with a nice gulp of river swill from a 2-litre of coke cut in half. OK but really, I'm an internet marketing consultant with a focus on content. I write website content, blog posts, plan internet marketing campaigns and all sorts of fancy stuff. I also dabble in web design, graphic design and audio / video production. I graduated from the UofM with my degree in English and minor in Philosophy in 2004. I recently graduated from Creative Communications at Red River College where I majored in advertising. I grew up in south Winnipeg, in St. Vital, the best neighbourhood ever - take that, North Kildonan! Seriously though, I don't judge people based on where they live. As long as it's not Transcona. You know? I just can't stand intolerance of other people. And the dutch. God damned wooden shoes, how can you wear those uncomfortable pieces of shite. Yes, I said shite, that is not a typo. I think shite is ultimately more effective than shit ... I think it's cable TV's fault ... or the fact that when you say shite, you have to use an accent, and accents are pretty damn sweet. That is why I must go to a foreign country, where I can be the interesting guy with the Canadian accent. I am the lead singer of the band BROKEN HALO - you can hear us on our page on MySpace or Facebook. Official site: MySpace Page: Facebook Page:

Jun 2010
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