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    17 Adoptable Dogs Who Are Single And Ready To Mingle

    Find forever in one of these lovable pups this Valentine's Day.

    1. Reeko, the only dog known for barking in sonnets.

    2. Twinkle, maybe not so little but definitely a star.

    3. Sparky, looking to be somebody’s prince.

    4. Flurry, sending you heavy kisses with a chance of drool.

    5. Tony Danza, ready to show you who’s the boss.

    6. Mr. Smithers, looking for someone to straighten him out.

    7. Carmine, wants you to "be mine."

    8. Reba, the best Elvis impersonator at the dog park.

    9. Jacob, the cuter cupid.

    10. Hunter, exists to make you smile.

    11. Mr. Moseley, firm believer in the au naturel look.

    12. Patches, the perfect life coordinator.

    13. Sandy, the one girl who actually has never been wrong.

    14. Hercules, proof that age really is just a number.

    15. Gizmo, as fashion forward as four legs gets.

    16. Joey, country boy with his eye on YOU.

    17. Marley, the most polite lad in all the land.