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    Ten Problems Faced By Short-Haired Women

    These are probably issues that many women with short hair face. Or I'm hoping that others face these issues too...

    I mean...I can't be the Only One.


    Potential love interests are always telling you to grow it out.
    Note: Sometimes they go about this in a "round-about" manner. "Have you always had short hair? I wonder what you'd look like with long hair. Have you ever thought about growing your hair out?

    I'm onto you.

    And sometimes they just tell you, "straight up," to grow it out.


    Heck. Even complete strangers tell you to grow it out. To these people I always want to respond with an explanation that this haircut best matches my bangs, which I use to cover my lobotomy stitches.

    They're my Lobotomy Bangs.


    Sometimes you, yourself, begin to think that it's time to grow your hair out.

    Until you reach that six month marker and your hair has never been so shaggy.

    Why? Does it look bad?


    Sometimes others will Love it.

    And you'll have to spend 30 whole minutes listening to a complete stranger tell you about how she ALSO used to have short hair and just Loved it and "don't you love it?" And she loved it and everyone loved it...but she decided not to stick with it for some reason, even though she LOVED it.


    For those of us who aren't the most curviest of women...we could be mistaken for boys.

    "Oi! Boy! Over here!"


    We can either not wear a hat...

    Or we can wear one for the rest of our lives.
    ...or at least until our next shower.


    When you work out (and I mean, really, work out), you just have to accept the constant slaps in the face from your disgusting, sweat-soaked locks of fabulous.

    But what about headbands?


    The periodic and frequent trips to the salon are so necessary. But so expensive.

    You may try to touch things up yourself, to save money.

    Oh, who are we kidding?


    We can no longer do the towel-hair-wrap-up that we loved to do as little girls. Sorry, little princesses...diivas?


    Our options for hairstyles are limited...

    Effortless grace...

    ...or could use more effort.

    I'm sure there are "Ups" and "Downs" to any haircut. And, in the end, we hold a little pride for sticking to our guns, keeping our chins up and hair short. Even if some of us really just do it because of problem #3: that six month marker of shagginess.