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    The Stages Of Waking Up In The Morning

    High school started at 7:20, how bad could an 8am really be? The answer is so, so bad.

    You get into bed and set an alarm, or twelve.

    Cue nightly Netflix binge.

    And four hours later, you look at the time.

    So you text your mom and request that security wake up call.

    You fall asleep, eventually.




    You have that dream where you're getting ready and you have your life together and stuff like that.

    Seriously, how is it possible that you still fall for that every single time?

    "Is attendance really worth that much?"

    "Do I have the points to spare?"

    Accept that you do actually have to get out of your bed. Mentally walk yourself through getting dressed because that's something that needs to be done.


    Spend the entire class like this:

    You'll do better one day.