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    WIN a FREE Bottle of Prefense Foaming Hand Sanitizer Just for Commenting!

    Let's face it, we live in some pretty troubling times. I know my family has started a long term food storage system and equipped everyone in the house with their own personal emergency survival kits. You just never know when a disaster, natural or man made, will strike! It is good to be prepared! The number one thing that people overlook when they are creating their personal Bug Out Bag (B.O.B.) is hygiene products. Prefense Foaming Hand Sanitizer is a great addition to any gear, even a simple camping set up, and it is also the most economical!Prefense Foaming Hand Sanitizer has many off label uses too, as you will learn all your supplies likely do, and the more you use your supplies the better prepared you will be in the event yo ever have to use your kit for real. Also taking out supplies to practice or use on an everyday basis will ensure you always know what you have and that nothing becomes to old or stale to use. The time to figure out something is missing is NOT in the middle of a crisis!