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    7 Things You Should Promise Yourself Before You Enter 2019

    Nope, not the boring old resolutions!

    1. I will join a fitness activity

    Rather than chasing a utopian goal of losing 20-30 kilos, why don’t you focus more on your fitness?

    It is not a secret that regular exercise has innumerable health benefits than anything else out there. Interestingly, a gym membership is not the only way to stay fit. You have plenty of other options, including, Zumba, aerobics, yoga, running, sports, and more. Pick up a routine that suits you best and stick to it for the rest of the year. You will soon start feeling the difference!

    2. I will keep my finances healthy

    Majority of us are careless regarding our personal finance. Even after a plethora of financial products to save and invest, many of us have poor savings and investment portfolio. Your financial goals change with age and phase of life, for example, financial steps for your 20s will differ when you enter your 30s as you will have more monetary liabilities. So, set concrete financial goals and aim to fulfill them. It may require taking some wise steps, like:

    Purchasing a term insurance

    Increase your health insurance coverage

    Pay off debt

    Choose smart savings plans to let your money multiply

    Pick up the right ULIPs to attain your prime financial goals, like your child’s education

    Contribute more to your retirement fund

    3. I will limit my time for social media

    I did this in 2018 and had tremendous benefits. Your productivity spikes by more than 50%.

    Social media is a great tool to stay in touch with friends and family, but at the same time, it is also one of the biggest time killers if not used judiciously. Calculate the hours you daily spend on social media – the numbers might horrify you. It may not be possible for you to cut social media out of your life completely, neither we are suggesting such a thing. However, it is always possible to cap the time you spend on social media. Try replacing the saved time with something fruitful and more valuable, like exercise, drawing, reading a book, calling people you love, nurture your hobbies.

    4. I will cut back on sugar and salt

    Again something I did and lost 12 kgs doing so (really!) This girl was my inspiration.

    Cutting back on sugar and salt is a gradual process and can’t happen overnight. However, once you start putting your effort to cut back on it, you will realize that it isn't required as much as you once thought. One of the easiest things you can do to fulfill this promise is:

    Replace sugar with something healthier, like honey and jaggery

    Replace salt on salads with vinegar

    5. I will be mindful with my diet

    I can officially give this advice as I am a running case study. Losing 12 Kgs in 3 months without exercise means something. So take my word for it- no craving is worth a body that not just looks good, but feels fit!

    Your body is not a dustbin, so stop dumbing it with junk food, oily snacks, and fizzy drinks. There is more than just exercise your body wants. Be mindful with what you are eating and reward your body with more wholesome food, generous portions of fruits and veggies. Food is not just the basic necessity of life, but it is also a privilege and delightful experience. Practicing mindful eating not just helps you manage your weight but also promises long-term health benefits.

    6. I will get sufficient sleep

    The importance of sleep often gets overlooked in the debate of eating right and exercising. A solid 8 hours of sound sleep is as essential as staying fit. A good night sleep strengthens your immune system, help you focus better, let you stay active and refreshed all the day, improves your skin, help losing weight and sharpness your memory. The best part - it is free! How much peace do you feel after a well-rested night? So, this new year, correct your sleep routine. Believe us, your memory and employer will thank you for it.

    7. I will meet my travel goals

    Have you been tired of ditching that trip-with-friends you made five years ago? Don’t let your leaves go unused. Utilize this to visit places and experience different culture cuisine and an entire different world. Plan for exciting adventure than previous year and discover the places that are exotic, thrilling and diverse. This new year, promise to see the world!

    Your New Year promise should be simple and achievable so that on the eve of next year, you don’t make it an excuse for not keeping any of them. Though there are too many existing priorities in your life, making small promises to yourself and following them will make you a better version of yourself. Things as simple as securing your family’s life with a Term plan, and limiting your screen time don’t require much efforts but definitely go a long way in improving the quality of your life.