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    That Awkward Moment Back At Work After The Office Christmas Party

    It's not a good day for anyone...

    So it was time for the office Christmas Party again...

    Before you went you laughed at all the advice columns.

    Because you're a responsible adult and obviously know how to control yourself!

    But then alcohol happened...

    And somehow the responsible adult disappeared...

    Then comes that first day back at the office after the Christmas party.

    You drag yourself to work.

    You head straight to your desk and try to hide.

    But you immediately get cornered by the one person who wasn't at the party.

    You try to stay neutral and make excuses to get away.

    But the rumours have started and people want answers...

    You try to keep your cool and laugh it off with "no comment"...

    ...but you know there's no point denying what happened.

    And your colleagues are loving the gossip!

    Eventually your boss will ask how you feel. You lie.

    But your colleagues don't get that privilege.

    You spend the day pretending you're working.

    And try to ignore the occasional flashbacks to the Christmas party.

    While hoping desperately nobody took any pictures.

    But don't worry. Things may not have gone the way you planned...

    ...but there's always next year!