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    Metabolic Aftershock Review | A New You In 22? Real Deal Or Scam?

    An in depth review of the Natural Health Sherpa's full suite of products; 1. Metabolic Aftershock, 2. A New You In 22, 3. Metabolic Mastery Club 4. Metabolic Meals For Life

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    "New You In 22" And "Metabolic AfterShock" Reveiw

    New You in 22

    The New You in 22 is the food side of the program. The Metabolic Aftershock is the exercise part of the program. Metabolic Mastery Club is excellent. It's got so much information about what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, and for me to understand what's been stopping me for so from long losing weight. Then the final part is the Meals for Life after you finish the 22 days. So I'm going to jump into each of these sections and show you what it is. So let's start with the food, because that's where I've actually started with my program. In here is the downloads of all of the sections. So as I said this is the food side, so the Metabolic Transformation Guide just go in here and download it.

    You can print it up or you can read it up online, depends on what you want to do. I highly recommend you reading this, because it's got so much information about what stops us from losing weight, and the misconceptions that we've all been following for so long.

    You can print it up or you can read it up online, depends on what you want to do. I highly recommend you reading this, because it's got so much information about what stops us from losing weight, and the misconceptions that we've all been following for so long.

    Metabolic Transformation Guide

    A review of he Metabolic Aftershock Porgram

    Now the Metabolic Transformation guide is quite a tome. Its 122 pages long, so you don't actually need to read this first before you get started. That's a great thing, but I absolutely recommend that in your down time that you read all 122 pages. So the second part is the actual meals. They have meals here for the first 22 days breakfast, lunch and dinner. So it's all planned out, you don't need to think about anything. You just need to follow the program. I often think not thinking about it is a great thing. So this is the Metabolic Meals blueprint. It also has 96 pages, and with a content page, introduction. It's got your full menu. It's got everything. It's got a shopping list so that you can just write that up, and go and buy the foods that you want.

    The foods that they've got in the plan are pretty well every day foods, so there's nothing that you shouldn't be able to get anywhere, pretty much around the world. This was my Bible to start with, the quick start guide. It means that you can get the program today and get started today, or in the morning or whenever you choose to, without having to do much work to get there. So this is a quick start guide and its only 15 pages, there's checklist in thee as well. So the information on what you need to do is about 5 pages. So it doesn't take long to skim through that, work out what you got to do, go get your food and get started. So that's the food side. Now I just want to go back to the products. So along with those downloads and all that information. See the steps across the top; we've got lots of other information.

    So they've got bonus downloads and supplements on fat burning foods, exercise mistakes. Then motivational emails that's designed to inspire you to keep going. These don't just sent to you automatically; you got to click to get started. So if you don't want emails in your inbox you don't have to, but they've been excellent coming in every day keeping me on track. Then there's support calls, these you listen to. The first one you listen to on day one, and then day 8 and day 15, and day 22. Along with all of that is a Facebook community where you can just go and ask whatever question, share results, just chat to people about what's happening, ask people for ideas. So that's the food side. The other part of the food side is the Metabolic Foods for life, but you want to go there when you finish your 22 days. So I'm not going to actually go and look in there, because I'm not at that spot and I don't want to mess with my head. I want to stay on my own track. Now the Metabolic Aftershock is the exercise side. You can see across here there's a whole heap of information. So again there's a download, and these are the downloads of the exercises you want to do. Phase1, phase2, phase 3.

    Then there's a menu that you can print up, and it talks about the whole concept of the way they do exercise, so to get your metabolism fired up again. The actual videos for phase 1, there's 3 different videos. Phase 2 again and there's 3 different videos again, and phase 3 there's another 3 videos. I think each phase goes for 3 weeks at a time. Here's a demonstration of some of the exercises that they do, and they do it slowly so that you can work it out. They're all simple stuff. If you've ever done any exercises that will be it second nature. If you've never done any of these types of exercises, you can certainly learn them quickly. The burn out, an extra session that you can do in which increases your fat burning. More information on why it works. Then there's a starter call which is excellent and you should listen to it. There's 2 calls in there. Jade whose the guy who does all the exercises and in charge of that side. He's got some really interesting things to say.

    And then you can track your results in here, so you've got a tracking spreadsheet which you can download. Then there's lots of information here, on measurements and how to do them. So that's the exercise side. So there's lots of information there as well.

    Mastery Club

    And thirdly I signed up for the Mastery Club. What we've got in the Mastery Club is a lot of information. So it's got live Q&A calls, so they have a call that you can actually tap into go and ask questions, and get an answer. They've got different types of interviews with different experts, and I found some of those to be fascinating. I'm starting to understand why I've struggled so long, to lose the extra weight that I've been wanting to lose. On the go videos. They've got extra recipes over and above what's in the actual menu and metabolic tips because a lot of it's about getting your metabolism again. Especially at my age where your metabolism gets slower and slower, and you need to get it fired up. Of course this all is part of the Facebook group; we can go and ask questions.

    So live Q&A calls. I've listened to most of the videos in here, and you might find this to be crazy. But what I do is when I'm getting ready in the morning, putting the face on, I don't know what guys do, but putting the face on etc. I actually have one of these calls going, while I'm getting ready every morning. So it sets me up for the day, to have the right mind set to keep me on track, learn something new each day, and it's a focus. I'm a great believer in that if you focus on something you get results, so I use these as a focus. So there's lots of topics here. Healthy balance between protein, carbs and fats. Alcohol was clearly one of my issues, red wine. Then we've got expert interviews. There's a couple interviews in here I find particularly helpful. This one is on supplements, this one is on exercise, this one is on memory, mood and your brain and I found that very helpful. Food allergies was really interesting. The hormones I find great benefit and the next one I think the harmful toxins. It just made me understand how I've been sabotaging my weight loss, by not being able to eliminate toxins out of my body first.

    So absolutely fascinating stuff. Sugar addictions. Then we've got on the go videos, which are about a range of topics. Bonus recipes other than what we've already got in the plan. Some more exercise videos. These are just some extra workouts, and again the Facebook community forum. That pretty what everything you get. It's a New You in 22 which is an eating program. The Metabolic Aftershock which is your exercise program, which is really excellent and a bit different to anything I've done. And the Mastery Club which really keeps my head in the right place, but also gives me incredible information so I understand what it is that I'm doing, and why it's working, and what I was doing and why it wasn't working. So I hope that's helped you. So if you think this is for you, and you want to give it a shot.

    There's a link under the video, click on that and it will take you through and give you even more information about how the program works. I hope this helps you. I'm certainly only one week in, but I'm very happy with my first week. So second week I'm really looking forward to my results. I'm already feeling so much fitter and healthier , and I've lost some weight, and I've lost some size which makes me really happy. Can't wait to fit into some smaller clothes. Good luck with the program.

    Metabolic Aftershock Review and New You in 22 Review

    Hi this is Trish. I am doing a review of the products New You in 22 and Metabolic Aftershock. I am going through the program myself to see how it works, and if it works for me because I've had a lot of trouble losing weight in the past. And I've tried probably like most of you, in different concepts and ideas. So this time I decided to give the extra incentive and motivation, that I would do this publicly. So I've set up my Facebook page and I'm monitoring my results publicly. Plus when I first got notified of this product, it just really resonated with me and I felt it was going to be the answer. After all this time for me to lose those extra kilos or pounds, depending on where you are in the world. So I wanted to give you a quick run through of what I actually got in the program, and how I'm using it. There's different components. These are all the areas that I have access to and I have purchased.

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    Metabolic Aftershock

    Metabolic Aftershock Review

    Metabolic Aftershock Scam?

    What is Metabolic Aftershock?

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    Metabolic Aftershock Recipes

    Metabolic weight loss diet

    Metabolic diet

    New You in 22

    New You in 22 Review