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    Swedish Designer's Floating Cardboard City Is Beyond Genius

    Enter Nina Lindgren's "Cardboard Heaven."

    Meet Nina Lindgren, a 26 year-old allumni from the Swedish College of Printmaking Arts (SCPA) She loves to draw, paint, create things and take photos.

    Her graduation project at SCPA was "Cardboard Heaven." The 14 ft. high sculpture took more than six weeks to complete, working at least 8 hours a day. She built it in twelve pieces to be able to move it.

    Nina went on to undertake an even bigger project: cardboard urban cities, bound together to create a hanging chandelier-like object that could be seen from all angels. She dubbed it "Floating City."

    About 2 meters in diameter, the process for making "Floating City" was just as complicated as her "Cardboard Heaven."

    Vimeo / Via

    Every single piece was cut and glued.

    She even incorporated electric wiring to some of the tiny houses involved.

    The cardboard houses are arranged in a spherical design so that viewers can visualize how an urban community is essentially a circle of life.

    "Floating City" is hung from the ceiling at Copenhagen's ArtRebels Gallery for art enthusiasts to explore and enjoy.