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    Pop Baby Maddy Fortin | BookStrand

    Maddy is riding on top of the world. It isn't easy being a pop singer in the eighties, especially with the competition the way it is. Despite that, her fans still love her. Only one problem, she is lonely. So when Hollywood's bad boy pops into her life and introduces her to the most amazing sex she has ever known, she can't resist. Shawn knows his reputation is not his best quality. He based his acting career on his love of the job, not his fans. That is, until he lays eyes on Maddy Fortin. Like him, she is full of energy. She is his equal, and he has to have her. For Maddy and Shawn, entertaining others is what makes them who they are. With equal dreams of success, and the money to get them where they want, they soon understand they really are meant for each other.