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    3 Signs Your Single Girlfriend Is Toxic

    Dating site offers a handy guide for dealing with the all-too-real struggle of the Single Toxic Girlfriend. When you’re happy, she’s not. When she’s unhappy, you never will be. So buckle up—you can expect some turbulence ahead.

    The toxic single girlfriend can serve as a loving warm body during breakups, and an absolute headache when you're ready to move forward. Her funk radiates so strong, you're not sure if she wants to be your friend or your mortal enemy. We have taken the time to consider how to decode her actions. What she says, what she means, and everything in-between.

    Her Words

    If you're going through a tough time and she feels like its best to have a pity-fest, it may be time to say goodbye. Positive words can pull people through some of life's darkest moments. Stewing on relationships that failed 5 years ago when a friend is in need right now is not okay. There is a time to talk about her old stuff, but that time is not now, when you need her the most.

    Her Actions

    There is nothing worse than a hypocrite, someone who says one thing and does another. Actions that leave you steaming are worthy of consideration. Just because you have a dinner date planned with your boyfriend Saturday doesn't mean she has a right to snub you when she goes with everyone else to the movies on Sunday.

    Or on a more grown-up level, if you lend her cash because she begged for help with her rent, you have the right to be upset if she blows it on that new Louis Vuitton bag you saw together at the mall. A friend who is spiteful, petty, or flat-out contemptuous of you is not worth keeping. Watch your back.

    The Friendship Itself

    This is a point where you as a thinking, feeling individual must decide what relationships are worth continuing to invest in, and which need to be cut off. Just because you've been BFF's since the second grade doesn't mean that person is entitled to spoil the happiest moments of your life.

    If your girlfriend needs help finding her own special someone, assist only—and I do mean only—if she is a friend worth keeping. Someone who continually makes negative decisions that add to their personal stew of misery is just a hater who's poised to keep on hatin'.

    Decisions, Decisions

    So there you have it, our three sure-fire signs your girlfriend is treading on thin ice. The choice is yours to cut things off altogether or strap in for more headache. The choice is yours!