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    10 Reasons Why Dhruv Is The Awesomest Person Ever


    1. Dhruv is funny and original

    He made this funny buzzFeed list.

    2. Dhruv is tall and fabulous

    He's taller than most guys but shorter than really really tall guys AND he is the most fabulous person alive.


    3. Dhruv is cute

    Tall boys can not be cute?

    Clearly, you haven't met Dhruv. He is cute and fat. He is like Baymax from BigHero 6 but cuter.

    4. Dhruv knows the difference between your and you're

    You're in love with him because he cares about your happiness.

    5. Dhruv loves science

    The only thing Dhruv likes more than himself is physics. Dhruv wrote an article about why Dhruv is awesome.

    Yes, he really really loves physics.

    6. Dhruv has a white board in his room where he writes awesome science stuff

    JK! He writes his to do list on his board and draws some modern art type crappy pictures.

    7. Dhruv has the awesomest friends ever

    you peeps are awesome, now share my article.

    8. Dhruv is hilarious and has a poor short term memory

    Did i mention this earlier?

    I don't think i did.

    9. Dhruv doesn't follow the rules

    Dhruv is Ending this Top 10 at point 9 because he can.

    bubbye losers.

    JK! you're not losers.

    share this. ;)