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    Why Do We Cheat?

    I have the truth and I am sharing with you all, you're welcome.

    So I'm just sitting over here at my grandpop's crib preparing him for bed and I get a text from a female friend, which reads, "why niggas cheat so much?" Well I think it's pretty simple. Let me be clear, I don't condone cheating despite how what I'm about to say may seem like I do. It's also probably safe to say that we've all either been the cheater or the cheatee, yes I know that isn't a word.

    Now, what I told my friend was very simple reasoning but I rather make it more complex because I mean this is a blog. Let's use me, okay? Now let's say my house is my girlfriend. Metaphorically speaking of course, don't come for my head feminist. Now listen, my house trippn, she having pipes burst all wild and crazy, the floors are creaking, the lighting is bad, etc etc. Now don't get me wrong I love my house, I bought her! Unfortunately I still have to make a decision. Do I want to fix this house up giving it more time and money or do I want to just get out and find a new home.

    Ok I know the ladies say "if you're going to just cheat, break up!" Remember the metaphor, house. Nobody ever packs up all their belongings to move without purchasing a new house first. You go out, look at homes, neighborhoods, surrounding schools, yadda yadda. There's so much to do before moving out. You can't just up and go. This is away happens. People get tired they think they want out but don't want to lose what they've already built. They have to be certain of the move is going to happen before putting a house on the market.

    You all just read the most pointless blog post I've ever written and I thank you.

    P.S if you ask a guy a question and he replies hmm then he just came up with a lie. One "hmm" gives us enough time to come up with a day's worth of lies. You're welcome.