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    10 Faces Facebook Constantly Makes Me Make At My Computer Screen.

    Sometimes my face reacts before I have time to stop it.

    1. When someone writes a Facebook status that asks a really dumb question like, "Hey guys, someone is in my house who might wanna kill me? Should I call the cops or make a meatloaf shaped like the United States?"

    2. When a couple decides to argue publicly on Facebook...each from a mobile device that could be used to easily call the other.

    3. When your friend posts a picture of their baby on Facebook and you don't really wanna like it because their baby looks like Baby Sinclair from the Dinosaurs. But you kind of feel obligated because they might ask you later, "why didn't you like it?"

    4. When someone writes on your Facebook wall and misspells your name even though it's literally everywhere on the GOT DAMN page.

    5. When someone you hate gets engaged, or gets into a relationship, or a free slurpee. Doesn't fucking matter what it is. The bitch gets a shade clap.

    6. When you see one of your friends just posted 17 selfies of themselves walking around Sephora, and then wrote a Facebook status talking about body issues.

    7. When that one closeted friend who everyone knows is gay but no one will say anything about it, writes statuses about that "date" he has with that "girl" who supposedly has a "vagina."

    8. When Facebook informs you that one of your friends just liked some racist ass shit!

    9. When your fake intellectual friends try to make super deep statuses but everything they're saying is just wrong.

    10. When someone you aren't even that cool with gets snappy on one of your statuses. Coming on your statuses trying to starts debates! Psh!

    11. These has nothing to do with this list. But, while making this post there were two white people behind me discussing 12 years of Slave and every few seconds they would pause and look at the only black person in the room, me......this was my face.