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    No Partner, No Problem – Here’s 18 Products To Celebrate Your Singlehood

    Because being single and independent is the real bag.

    1. The first and most important thing that should be in your basket is this giant wine glass that holds an entire bottle of wine. Naturally, this should be considered a necessity.

    2. Feel empowered by your single status with this book by Catherine Gray, which will help to keep you in a positive mindset!

    3. Have a solo evening of self care with this pamper box which is filled with lots of goodies like face masks, bath bombs, and hot chocolate.

    4. Maximise your bath time with this bath tray that comes fitted with a wine glass holder and book rest – what more could you want?

    5. Take some time out to play around with some new hair styles using these BaByliss heated rollers.

    6. Invest in a bougie pyjama set like this absolutely gorgeous satin one.

    7. Feel like treating yourself to a new fragrance? Try out this Ariana Grande one which has a soft floral scent.

    8. Take your home yoga sessions to a new level with this set of yoga blocks and strap, which will allow you to try out way more postures!

    9. Make the most of those cosy nights in with this popcorn maker. Because let's be honest, who wants to go on date nights when you have this at home?

    10. Why wait for a partner to buy you a promise ring? Make a promise to yourself with this stunning cubic zirconia ring.

    11. Invest in these supplements to take a little extra care of your skin, hair, and nails.

    12. If taking baths is your new obsession (because why wouldn't it be?), try out these lavender, coconut, and vanilla scented bath salts.

    13. Get creative by doing your own home manicures with this UV nail lamp.

    14. Keep yourself on track with this self care planner that will help to improve your mindset as well as assist you in developing some new good habits!

    15. Give your skin the ultimate pamper treatment with this facial steamer. It even comes with a blackhead extractor kit, so you can give your skin a real cleanse while you're at it.

    16. Whilst we're on the subject of treating yourself, this foot spa looks like the perfect way to complement a pamper night.

    17. Play around with some new makeup tricks using this brush set that comes in a marble print holder (which is very aesthetically pleasing).

    18. Nothing says 'independent queen' quite like this pair of statement sunnies. I mean, they're a necessity on a solo brunch if you ask me.