

"There has never been a good war, nor has there ever been a bad peace." ~Benjamin Franklin The uniform is more than a job. It is a identity, and a passion, that I will always cherish! I'm me, no more, nothing less. Though reserved with speaking my true thoughts and emotions, I'm more insightful to the workings of my surroundings than I care to let on. If I pick up on the slightest trace of negative emotions and sadness in a person's voice/mannerisms/gestures, hell, they're entire being, then I start becoming concern. I often may get too wrapped up in the problems of others, but that's something I know all-too-well and am dealing with as times go. I'm also a very passionate person, and that may be presented as being too intense, but that's just another side of the multiple levels of my personality.

Dec 2010
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