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    13 GIFs Of Cats Tripping On Catnip

    It's a spacetime odyssey of epic proportions.

    1. While observing our substance-abusing kitties, let's learn more about catnip.

    2. Catnip, scientifically known as Nepeta Cataria, is native to Europe and southwestern to Central Asia but it can be grown elsewhere in the world.

    3. It is in fact an ornamental plant but you know cats...

    4. They know how to enjoy themselves like a pro.

    5. Not all cats are affected by catnip. The phenomenon is hereditary and two thirds of cats are affected by the plant.

    6. What is more interesting is, big cats are also into catnip like tigers, leopards, jaguars... Except lion.

    7. Besides cats, butterflies are also attracted to catnip.

    8. But mosquitoes are repelled by the smell.

    9. Catnip shows its effect between 5 minutes to 15 minutes.

    10. And it will stay on for about 2 hours.

    11. At the end of 2 hours, your dear fluffy friend is ready for a new dose of catnip.

    12. So la da di da di, they like to party.

    13. And they can't stop.