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Which Movies Helped You Get Through The Dumpster Fire That Is 2017?

Escapism is real y'all.

I think we can all agree that 2017 was kind of a garbage year.

But thanks to movies, we can get a roughly 90-minute break from the stresses of life and escape into a fantasy world.

Maybe your boyfriend dumped you, and in your heartbroken state you turned to Wonder Woman to show you how to get your strength back.

Or maybe you had a super stressful week at work and just needed to laugh for two hours so that the world didn't feel like such an awful place.

Whatever your reasons, I'm sure there was a movie or two that gave you a much needed break from all the stresses 2017 may have thrown your way.

So what films gave you a break from ~everything~ this year? Tell us in the comments for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!