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    This Woman Turns Her Lips Into Cartoon Characters And I Can't Even Wing My Liner Correctly

    They're all beautiful, and yet slightly terrifying.

    London-based makeup artist, Laura Jenkinson is an absolute wizard with a makeup brush.

    While she has several avant-garde looks, she's best known for turning her lips into pop culture characters and cartoons.

    From Disney to Game of Thrones, and everything in between, Jenkinson draws inspiration from all over.

    The detail she puts into her characters are incredible. Just look at this freakin' Harley Quinn lewk.

    And her Pennywise is both impressive and incredibly terrifying.

    This Jafar is so spot on I don't know whether to applaud her makeup skills or cry over my lack of talent.

    But Jenkinson isn't just a one trick pony. When she's not transforming her lips into your favorite TV and movie characters, she's turning out ultra trippy looks like this.

    Honestly, we should just dub her the queen of Halloween makeup, because DAMN.

    Anyone else feel like retiring from the makeup game altogether? Jenkinson wins. We're not worthy.

    My face after trying to recreate any of Jenkinson's looks.