H&M Has A $299 Knockoff Of Kate Middleton's Wedding Dress, And It's Beautiful

    Feel like royalty for half the cost.

    I like to divide my life into two sections. The time before seeing Kate Middleton's wedding dress, and the time after seeing it.

    Like everyone else who watched the royal wedding, I became obsessed with the Alexander McQueen dress that fit Kate like a damn glove, and dreamed about the day I could wear such a flawless gown.

    Well, my dear sweet internet friends, that day has finally arrived. This week, H&M launched a wedding collection and one of their new pieces is my dream knockoff of Kate's wedding dress. BEHOLD!

    Okay so it's not exactly the same — it's cream-colored instead of white and doesn't come with a 10-foot train, but for only $299, it's pretty gosh darn close.

    Here's a side-by-side comparison for any of you naysayers out there.

    The lace, the flared bottom, the button-lined back?? It's too much for my gentle soul to handle.

    Whether you're engaged or happily single, you owe it to yourself to buy this dress, even if you just wear it while lounging around the house.

    So go out and get the dress of your dreams, but remember that gown or no gown, you can still be a queen.

    Get it from H&M for $299.