This Is The Most Amazing Ralph Wiggum Cake You'll Ever See

    When I grow up, I want to be a principal or a caterpillar. Or this baker. H/T: Freshly Squeez'd.

    Canadian Kylie Mangles, a baker and graphic designer who owns a firm called Freshly Squeez'd, entered a competition run by Threadless T-shirts where entrants produced a cake inspired by an existing Threadless design.

    Kylie took this image of Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons (designed by Erick Flores), and set about making her cake, entitled "Cutout Ralph".

    First up, her ingredients.

    Then came the baking.

    "It took about 5 days, working all day, like 18 hours a day," Kylie told BuzzFeed.

    "I picked this design because I grew up watching and listening to quotes (from my brother) of The Simpsons, and I just really liked the design and thought it would look really neat in 3D. Also, because this is for a competition, it's a good chance to try something challenging and see if I could do it."

    Almost there...

    The finished product.

    The competition stopped taking entries earlier this week. Now we play the waiting game.

    Threadcakes 2014 is officially over! Winners TBA...

    Amazing work Kylie, and good luck. We'll leave the last word to the man himself.