An Open Letter To All The Businesses That Don’t Accept Credit Cards

    "Cash only" is a joke, right?

    Dear businesses that don't take card... we need to talk.

    In case you haven't noticed, it's 2015. In fact, we're now closer to 2016!

    We live in an age where we can order our coffee off an app or message our mates from our watches!

    So it's time to get your shit together when it comes to people paying for your goods and services with card.

    First, "cash only" is NOT. A. THING.

    Second, don't put a minimum on purchases with cards.

    Third, surcharges are a joke!

    Finally, learn to split a bill.

    It's not that we hate you, we love you and want to be friends. But enough with the bullshit. This aint the '90s anymore. Be cool and catch up to the rest of us.

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