17 Pictures That Show How Bloody Cold It Is In Australia Right Now

    Welcome to the "Blizzard Of Oz".

    1. You'd be forgiven for thinking this was somewhere in Canada.

    2. Or even a ski resort in the Swiss Alps.

    3. But this is 100% Australia rn.

    4. I mean, how could you tell? ๐Ÿ˜

    5. The Australian ski resorts have had a massive dump of snow recently.

    6. Some areas in NSW have seen up to 56 centimeters of the white stuff.

    7. ... while resorts across Victoria have been lashed by winds of more than 80km/h, creating white-out conditions.

    8. The storm has been dubbed the "Blizzard Of Oz".

    9. The conditions have been the best of the 2017 ski season so far...

    10. ... with avid skiers and snowboarders lapping up the powder.

    11. So much snow has fallen that snowmen have been popping up everywhere.

    12. And even the odd snow spider. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    13. The resorts are also looking picture-perfect.

    14. Literal winter wonderlands.

    15. Welcome to winter... Oz style.

    16. Just remember where you parked.

    17. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜