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    How I Felt Watching Peter Pan Live...As Told By Marnie Michaels

    Because what better way to describe the three-hour Allison Williams musical spectacle than by a bunch of GIFs of everyone's favorite character from Girls!

    At first, I didn't know what to expect.

    (Even though I was watching the day after the live broadcast because I'm cheap and don't want to pay for cable)

    The show got off to a slow start, and I was a little worried about how long I would be able to sit through it*.

    But then, all of a sudden the windows swung open, and in flew the most perfect human being who has ever lived: Allison. Williams.

    I was feeling all the feels and didn't even know how to handle myself.

    She started singing, dancing, and being perfect and I was like: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!?!

    By this point, I was jumping up and down with joy. I mean, what could be better than a three hour TV musical starring Allison Williams??

    Unfortunately, the next scene introduced the other lead of the show: Christopher Walken, and, as soon as he opened his mouth to..."sing"...

    ...I knew it was going to be a struggle to watch Captain Hook do anything in this show.

    And of course every scene from that point on on seemed to be a pirate scene with Christoper Walken "talk-singing" every lyric and I just couldn't even.

    (Did I mention that I'm super judgmental?)

    Luckily, true to her character, Allison Williams would come back and save the day by singing or dancing or literally doing anything.

    Unfortunately, we had to deal with Christopher Walken for the majority of the show...

    ..,but who am I kidding? I would watch paint dry for an entire day if it meant I got to watch Allison Williams perform.

    Oh, and there were a bunch of other characters and scenes and things happened but for some reason I didn't really pay attention.

    And then just like that, it was over :(

    It felt like a vicious breakup.

    But don't worry, I'm TOTALLY over it.

    In conclusion: Bravo, Allison Williams. You are incredible.