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These Guys Got Undressed To Address Body Positivity In The Media

"If I can’t find someone that looks like me in the media, why not just do it myself?"

Body Positivity Week is a week of content devoted to exploring and celebrating our complicated relationships with our bodies. Over the course of the week, BuzzFeed will cover diverse topics such as body image and body dysmorphia; eating disorders; fitness, health, and illness; and offer tips on how to improve our relationships with our bodies. To stay aligned with this purpose, the people in the following images have been photographed in natural light and they have not undergone any beauty retouching.

"I remember when I was kid I really wanted to be an actor, like most kids probably, but unlike most kids I knew that I wouldn't be able to make a career of it as early as 9 to 10 years old."

"As a person who identifies as male/non-­binary, but chooses not to medically transition, it's almost impossible to think of any representatives in the media."

"The media would most likely typecast me as a gangster, drug user, or drug dealer because I have tattoos."

"When you look at a man you're attracted to, you always have to check if you're attracted to them or if you want to be them."

"For a long time I worried that I wasn't the 'ideal look' so I tried to cover myself in ill-fitting, expensive clothes that I didn't even feel comfortable in."

"Commercials always told the story that acne could be cured and cleared."

"The words 'androgynous and 'plus size' are never seen together in the media."

"I learned at an early age that I didn’t look the way I should — meaning I didn’t look like the images of men I had seen on TV and in magazines."

"I don't think I've ever seen scars of this nature anywhere in TV/film/print."

"Do I wish I was looked like all the 'sexy' examples of 50 and over maleness? Sure, but it ain’t going happen."

"Being an Olympic weightlifter, I pride myself on my dedication to personal fitness, but because my body doesn't fit the Asian stereotype, my Asian-ness is questioned."

"When it comes to big dudes there are so many levels, and in the media we're portrayed as sloppy."

"As a heavily bullied gay child, I remember seeing the massive bodybuilders on fitness magazine covers and being in such awe of their sheer size and strength."

"Bearded, hairy men are almost always muscular or overweight. One extreme or the other, no in between."

Body Positivity Week is a week of content devoted to exploring and celebrating our complicated relationships with our bodies. Check out more great Body Positivity Week content here.