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    Users Threaten To Drop Netflix After Massive Netflix Rate Hike

    Netflix Rate Hike Sparks Outrage – Users Resort To Social Media To Voice Opinions Netflix continues to take a pummeling from subscribers who are so enraged by the company’s unilateral decision to separate its DVD and streaming plans − and increase prices as a result − that they’re threatening not only to cancel the service, but also showing up by the tens of thousands to blast it on Facebook. Users Threaten To Drop Netflix After Massive Netflix Rate Hike Yesterday, we reported on the initial reaction to the Netflix Rate Hike changes, and by last night we’d seen more than 9,000 comments on the Netflix Facebook page, which has 1.5 million fans. (There are 23 million Netflix members in the U.S. and Canada.) By this morning, nearly 30,000 had registered the summer of their discontent with the rental service that used to ride high on the loyalty of customers who loved not having to pay late fees and receiving their discs in their mailbox. The red envelope was something of a little treat at the end of a long day. But now, customers are seeing a different kind of red. For many, Netflix’s streaming selection, while growing and improving since it became a perk about four years ago, still can’t get anywhere near its vast volume of DVDs. And because of that, folks supplemented their streaming plans with at least the one DVD out at any given time option, for about $10. But with the announcement that the same service would cost almost $16 — about 60 percent more than what they’re paying now — people snapped. In these tough economic times, this little bit of entertainment counted for a lot. And now, subscribers are demanding to be heard. We want to hear from you, too. Take our poll and let us know if you’re going to follow through with threats to leave Netflix, or if you’ve decided against it. We’re wondering if people have followed through on cancelling, if Netflix will increase its instant selection to make up for those who will cut DVDs from their plans and if Netflix will cave to the torrent of negative reaction and restore its merged plans. We also want to know if Netflix deleted comments from its Facebook page, as some have indicated on the site. Some complained that they didn’t even get the courtesy of an email and only found out through sites like ours, or on their Facebook.