

I am a 46-year-old male soon-to-be 47 as of March the 16th of this year I primarily consider myself to be an artist and philosopher. But I've spent most of my working life in the food service industry. After a long and nearly fatal struggle with depression. One failed suicide attempt! Didn't work, obviously! And one other time when I turned myself into Cascadia mental health which was very helpful they are and excellent and very kind and compassionate organization, and anyone having those same struggles should consider availing themselves of their services. They saved my life!. The depression I speak of, which lasted well over five years, causing me to become estranged from my wife and family and causing a loss of nearly all of my material possessions. Most of which I discovered I could live without anyway. Overall, the experience has brought me new levels of patience and maturity. I have learned more in the last five years about myself and the nature of reality than almost all previous experiences not that I didn't learn anything in the previous years. But the potency of the experience certainly left a more profound imprint than the others there is nothing quite like crashing into a wall to tell you that you're going in the wrong direction. More later

Sep 2010
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