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24 Pictures That Prove The World Isn't A Big Steaming Pile Of Garbage

Heroes, every last one of 'em.

Just remember...

1. The newly minted doctors:

My Pops doing his dissertation for his PhD from Howard at 70 years old

Twitter: @UncleRoss_

2. The full circle moments:

3. The first nights at home:

This happy pup spending his first night at his new home after being adopted from the shelter.

Twitter: @StrictlyChristo

4. The POWERFUL masks:

I told my daughter to grab her mask so we can go to the store. This was the mask she grabbed.

Twitter: @SunsetSoFresh

5. The peaceful naps:

"Our cow wasn't feeling good so last night,My son went outside to spend time with her.I woke up morning and found this"

Twitter: @AnimalsWorId

6. The first interactions:

I can’t even believe these pics are real and it’s MY family 🤩😭🤍

Twitter: @briannalhaynes

7. The brand new friendships:

Proud dad moment today. My 10yr old son saw a new kid sitting by himself. Another friend and he decided to hang out with him over lunch. He got this lovely note at the end of the day😢❤️

Twitter: @KahlonRav

8. The beautiful weddings:

9. The big tips that go a big, big way:

huge tip to restaraunt that just reopened

10. All the tender bottle cap moments:

cat collecting bottle caps for sad master

11. All the beautiful poetry:

my 96 year old grandpa has just had his own book published with all his poems from his life. it’s available on amazon if anyone is interested:) a review would make him so happy

Twitter: @jessica_keachie

12. The heartwarming gifts:

my little sister went on a date with a young farmer tonight. He decided to gift her a 12kg wheel of cheese...?

Twitter: @devilmeadow

13. The horse pirates:

tweet reading someone in my norwegian class didn't know the word for cowboys so called them american horse pirates

14. Those warm, warm degrees:

15. The wonderful dates:

Me on my way to take my stunning girlfriend to her sorority formal tonight. I will update with more pics of us together later.

Twitter: @thejakepratt

16. The 93 year old practical jokes:

my 93 y/o resident had me watering her flowers for well over 20 minutes because they had to be perfect. she then told me to look at them really closely and tell me if i noticed anything. they were fake, literally not real at all. then she said april fools go get me a coffee. Lmao

Twitter: @ky_denzz

17. The very special pints:

almost 6 years ago before my dad passed he gave my sister this 10$ bill to give to me on my 21st birthday so he could buy me my first beer, cheers pops havin this one for you!

Twitter: @mattg12699

18. The cross-species solidarity:

tumblr story about a blind person and a blind cat having each other's backs

19. The brand new jobs:

Possibly the sweetest act of kindness I’ve seen 🥺 Family had electricians in every week for the past 6 weeks and their little boy was obsessed with them ☺️ He hounded them with questions, kindness and constant offers to help! The little boy just received this from them 🥺❤️

Twitter: @SportySuz20

20. The tiny little mittens:

Today I found out through Facebook that the overnight security guard at my work knits boots and mittens for premature babies at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. He also posts them worldwide. MY HEART 😭❤️

Twitter: @lxnewsomex

21. The surprise dad visits:

tweet reading was sitting in class yesterday and saw someone's dad in the back it was his daughter teaching

22. The tiny little puppets:

This woman uses a puppet to feed squirrels in the park

Twitter: @_the_blessedone

23. The touching vows:

tumblr story about someone's vows only being hot damn

24. And the friendly rocks:

My kind of news day: "Geologist Finds Rare Formation Inside Rock That Looks Exactly Like Cookie Monster on Sesame Street"

Twitter: @jackiantonovich

Shout out to this rock. Love you buddy.