18 Poor Souls Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

    You really hate to see it.

    If you, my friend, just had an absolutely terrible week, just remember...

    1. The person whose beanbag chair went absolutely nuclear:

    2. The person who will be picking rice out of their keyboard until the cows come home:

    3. The person who had the unthinkable happen to them:

    4. The person who may just be the sweatiest man on Earth:

    5. The person who made an enemy for life with a woodland creature today:

    6. The person who was nice enough to let their little buddy get a quick brush in:

    7. The person whose entire home office is now well caffeinated:

    8. The person who made a few wrong turns in life:

    9. The person whose brisket came out juuuuuust right:

    10. The person who also made an enemy for life with a different woodland creature:

    11. The person whose computer took a tumble:

    12. The person who will rue the day he bought those tongs:

    13. The person who found their AirPods safe and sound at the dump:

    14. The person whose sneezes probably register on the Richter scale:

    15. The person who will replay this moment over and over in their head:

    16. The person who was kind enough to leave their leftovers to some friendly ants:

    17. The person who just got a wasp absolutely plastered:

    18. And the person whose water...uhhhh...yeah: