Man, I Truly Feel Sorry For These 22 People Who Had A Really, Really, Really, Really Bad Week

    Folks, it's not what you want. Not what you want at all.

    If you're having a rough day and it feels like the whole world is out to get you, just remember...

    1. The person who Hulked their dang door straight off:

    The frame of a car door disconnected from the inner part

    2. The person whose grilled cheese is literally about to explode:

    Cheese on a slice of toast all puffed up

    3. The person who gets the honor of playing a little "tickle, tickle" later in the flight:

    A bare foot jutting from the side of an airplane seat

    4. The person whose delivery order may have gotten juuuust a bit smooshed:

    A delivery package under a car tire

    5. The person whose cologne bottle exploded in a way heretofore unseen by human eyes:

    Pieces of glass all over a bathroom counter and the tiled floor

    6. The person whose hard-earned money went to some crisp, cool air:

    An opened envelope with just thick plastic cushioning and nothing inside

    7. The person whose steak was cooked to unfathomable levels of doneness:

    A burnt piece of thin meat alongside cheese on toast and bacon bits

    8. The person who, uh, had THIS happen to them:

    A sofa that ended up getting stuck in a tree as it was being hauled in a truck

    9. The person who was lucky enough to get a little extra protein in their bag of peas:

    An insect amid frozen peas

    10. The person whose chocolate egg became a pile of chocolate goop:

    A melted chocolate egg in a box left in the sun

    11. The person who, like King Arthur himself, must now pull the sacred tuna from the sink:

    The top of a tuna can perfectly stuck in a sink drain

    12. The person who has probably one of the worst seat neighbors you could ever have:

    A person sitting on a plane with their legs scrunched together as a guy has his spread legs extending into their space

    13. The person whose book made SURE there wouldn't be any spoilers for them:

    An open book with pages that jump from 702 to 767

    14. The person who miiight have wanted to measure those stairs one last time before putting them in:

    Person standing on a step with their head extending above the ceiling

    15. The person who is currently in the splash zone for 1.5 pounds of pure, unadulterated BBQ goodness:

    A Styrofoam container with a large piece of meat and gravy/blood extending over the sides and onto the plane's seat tray

    16. The person whose cookies are lookin' absolutely, positively scrumptious:

    A pancakey-looking blob on a cookie tray

    17. The person who now must forever watch ads on YouTube:

    A YouTube screen with the notification "Ad 1 of 2 — 11:41:41"

    18. The person whose defroster de-betrayed them:

    The shattered back window of a car

    19. The person who's eatin' good on their cross-continental flight:

    A large open roll with one thin slice of bacon and some butter

    20. The person whose thumb tattoo seems to be drawn on with street chalk:

    A thumb with just the white outline of a nail drawn on it

    21. The person who was lucky enough to find out they had a few extra friends living with them:

    Arrow pointing to what appear to be large roaches in a crevice between the floor and the wall

    22. The person whose Good Samaritan power lines saved the day:

    A fallen tree held up only by two power lines