• Viral badge

19 People Who Definitely Regret Literally Every Damn Decision They Made This Week

That's gonna get a yikes from me.

1. The person who maybe should've adjusted their filming setup:

2. The person who will now be enjoying a side of goop with their pizza:

3. The person who probably picked the worst possible place to park the day before:

4. The person who apparently has a hotel room in the twilight zone:

5. The person who just laid a nice, fresh coat of paint in the backseat:

6. The mean, green paintin' machine:

7. The person who had the bottom fall out from under them:

8. The person who is forever trapped in high school:

9. The person who loves gettin' a big ol' mouthful of soap:

10. The person who got to meet their neighbor in such a lovely way:

11. The world's hardest sitter:

12. The person who had to send this harrowing text message:

13. The person who will never be able to use that charger again:

14. The person who just fortified their car with a little extra concrete:

15. The person who came home to this:

16. The person who has a tiny little mess to clean up:

17. The person whose bowl does NOT want them to have those noodles:

18. The person who will never mess with a farmer ever again:

19. The person who is apparently in a relationship with a barbarian:

My goodness.