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18 People Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

Well, that's less than ideal.

If you just had an absolutely no-good, terrible week, just remember...

1. The person whose mistake will be immortalized in that parking lot forever:

2. The person who is straight up about to encounter a Looney Toons scenario:

man cutting ice and standing on the piece he's cutting out

3. The person who experienced the chia seed disaster to end all chia seed disasters:

4. The person who will regret the last five minutes for the rest of their life:

person accidentally shredded an envelope with cash in it

5. The person who learned a valuable lesson about buying stuff on the internet:

a ridiculously big wooden spoon

6. The person who just all but ensured their bathroom becomes haunted:

someone tried to flush dry ice

7. The person who murdered a poor, defenseless ketchup packet:

trail of ketchup on the carpet

8. The person who gave their backseat a fresh new look:

paint spilled in the car

9. The person whose washing machine will produce suds 'til the end of time:

10. The person who likes their coffee extra cheesy:

packet of parmesan cheese put into coffee

11. The person whose mask will strike fear into the heart of Gotham's worst:

crumpled batman mask

12. The person who had a bee laugh in their face:

bee landed on a shirt and pooped

13. The person who will never not double check their car for spray cans after this:

busted windows in the car

14. The person who just had the universe tell them they need to make s'mores:

melted marshmallows on top of a toaster oven

15. The person who accidentally bought a bag of Oops! All Peas:

16. The person who may just never leave their home again:

17. The person who lost the avocado lottery:

18. The person whose salad will either be the worst or the greatest thing they ever ordered:

plate of cheese and ranch