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19 People Who Are Having A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

You really never want to see that happen.

If your week was an absolute disaster, just remember...

1. The person who had a few friends show up to watch the game:

Arrow pointing to ants inside a TV screen

2. The person whose bread had an extra-special filling:

A blue medical glove inside a piece of bread

3. The person whose food should be there in no time at all:

KFC app shows delivery going from Colorado to Minnesota

4. The person who will curse the country of Australia until the end of time:

5. The person whose hot tub definitely contains heretofore undiscovered species:

A hot tub with a stained cover and dank water with bubbles is at the place they rented

6. The person who learned one of life's most valuable candle lessons:

Candle wav all over a keyboard and monitor

7. The person who has enough ice to last a lifetime:

An ice-maker with ice up to the top, with caption "I forgot to put the ice tray in the freezer"

8. The person who was kind enough to share their grilled onions with their dog:

A pan with a big gap in the grilled onions

9. The person whose package was delivered to the dang Fangorn Forest:

Photo of an Amazon package sitting on top of a rock

10. The person who got some extra protein with their order of fries:

Fries in a container with a small insect on one

11. The person who lost the blueberry lottery:

A cut muffin with one small blue stain in the middle

12. The person whose pizza experienced a class 3 cheese slide:

A pizza pie in the container with most of the toppings—cheese and broccoli—slid to the side

13. The person whose shirt should be a perfect fit for the dang Slenderman! Seriously, folks! Seriously!

A shrunken shirt after one wash

14. The person who I know for a fact was listening to track 1 of No Doubt's 1995 album, Tragic Kingdom:

An AirPod in a spider's web in a garage

15. The person who had a double shoe disaster:

Person wearing shoes that don't match right before a client meeting

16. The person who ordered a box of sauce with a side of pizza:

Person has a square pizza smothered with white sauce

17. The person who only buys the finest and most expensive toys for their dog:

A chewed-up AirPod case

18. The person who made probably the most moist banana bread I've ever seen:

Leaky "banana bread" with no flour in aluminum foil

19. And the person who got to behold this incredibly majestic view:

Snow on the side of a mountain and a huge expanse of fog