Okay, I Feel Sorry For These 18 Poor, Poor Souls Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

    Ooof. That's not great.

    If you just had a bad, bad, bad, bad week, just remember...

    1. The person who has a slight leak in their home:

    Ceiling light fixture on, illuminating a room with visible door at the end and a severely sagging ceiling

    2. The person who just got a brand-new 65-inch Flysung OLED:

    "There's a dead fly inside my TV" showing an insect inside a TV screen

    3. The person who might want to get the heat turned on:

    Heaped snow on a car's passenger seat, suggesting the window was left open

    4. The person who had the unthinkable happen to them:

    Person holding a long, unraveling toilet paper roll in a bathroom

    5. The person whose musical taste spans the coasts:

    A map in Find My app shows the location of their AirPods Pro at various places around the country

    6. The person who just made an enemy for life:

    A pan of baked brownies with a missing section and a small, novelty spider decoration next to it on a windowsill

    7. The person whose TV was no match for their Winter Candy Apple–scented candle:

    Close-up of a burned-out area of a TV screen in the shape of a flame, with caption, "Someone lit a candle right under the TV"

    8. The person who created a casual death beam in their car:

    Car dashboard with peeling, charred area and caption, "I left a mirror in my car and almost burned down the neighborhood"

    9. The person who took a wrong turn. A very, very wrong turn:

    Overturned car in a snowy creek with trees in the background

    10. The person whose soup just got a whole lot more cronchy after a glass broke:

    Pot with cooked mixed vegetables on a stovetop with small pieces of glass in it

    11. The person whose cake met an untimely end:

    Overturned cake pan with cake scattered on a patterned floor, next to an open cabinet with items inside

    12. The person whose house got the Nosferatu stake-through-the-heart treatment:

    A tree branch piercing through a ceiling above a gray sofa, near a window with blinds

    13. The person whose cash savings are now experiencing exponential growth (of mold):

    Moldy cash, including $20 and $100 bills, and a passport in a safe

    14. The person who played way too fast and loose with precious goods:

    Pack of cupcakes with multicolored frosting in a clear container on their sides, with the frosting stuck to the top of the container and caption, "I turned too sharply"

    15. The person whose dog absolutely annihilated their papaya:

    Person holding a partially eaten whole but peeled papaya, indoors

    16. The person whose dad definitely got that little spot out for them:

    Front view of a car with a faded-looking hood, parked in a garage, with caption, "My dad sanded the hood of my car to get rid of rust"

    17. The person who was kind enough to give the gift of dental care to a friendly roach:

    A large cockroach inside an open, heart-shaped plastic container on top of a retainer

    18. And the person who experienced true devastation:

    Hand holding a half-eaten muffin with a single blueberry inside, with caption, "I guess that's why they call it a blueberry muffin and not a blueberries muffin"