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20 Unfortunate Souls Who Are Having A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

Well, that's not great. Not great at all.

If you just had an absolutely terrible, no-good, awful week, just remember...

1. The person who got a hot new trendy tattoo:

remote imprint in skin

2. The person whose potato went absolutely nuclear in their oven:

exploded potato

3. The person who gave their passenger seat a fresh, new coat:

Spilled paint in a car

4. The person who bought a very rare 2D drill:

Drill bought from Wish website that is not in the package

5. The person who just turned their kitchen into this summer's hottest foam party:

Dishwasher overflowing with soapy water

6. The person who will be finding grains of rice until the day they cast aside this mortal coil:

Spilled rice all over the floor

7. The person faced with Schrödinger's Pepsi:

Upside-down Pepsi can that fell on the floor, with only some of it on the floor

8. The person whose ramen noodles spontaneously combusted:

Noodles in a package that caught on fire in the microwave, with caption, "Always remember to add water!"

9. The person who learned a wonderful new fact about their neighbor:

Sunflower seeds all over a person's deck

10. The person who just invented the pocket smoothie:

Smoothie that broke into a coat pocket

11. The person whose ice pop is laughing at them:

Stick inside a multicolored frozen ice pop

12. The person who came up with the brand-new, delicious flavor of blueberry garlic yogurt:

Person who accidentally put garlic powder in their yogurt because it looked like peanut butter powder

13. The person who just brewed a fresh pot of brown water:

Person brewed coffee without adding the coffee

14. The person whose sauce passed away mid-transit:

Exploded tomato sauce jar in a cardboard box

15. The person who ruined Valentine's Day:

Moldy cheese meant for cooking, with caption, "Was getting ready to cook dinner for Valentine's Day"

16. The person whose bread had a little extra flavor:

Moldy baguette with caption, "I'd almost finished eating the entire thing when I looked down"

17. The person who made this absolutely devastating batch of brownies:

Baked brownie mix taken out of the pan, with all the unmelted chocolate bits left at the bottom of the pan

18. The person who accidentally watched The Quietest Place:

Person who didn't realize their speaker had a short and watched an hour of "A Quiet Place" thinking there was no sound in the movie

19. The person who just might be a little bit stressed out:

Person who had a stress ball explode in their hand

20. And...oh lord...the person who had this happen to them:

Folded contact lens with lots of ear wax that was found in an ear