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21 Poor, Poor Souls Who Are Having A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

That right there is not what you want. Not what you want at all.

1. The person whose shoes now have 99% less germs and 99% more stains:

Hand sanitizer drip that ruined new shoes

2. The person whose lunch is about to get all kinds of messy:

Person who is having soup but the cafeteria only has plates

3. The person who got to spend scant precious time with their beloved device:

Phone that broke after 45 minutes

4. The person who just might be getting married in shorts:

Wedding pants that ripped an hour before the ceremony

5. The person who finally got the in-ground pool they've always wanted:

Basement flooded

6. The person who was deprived of their God-given right to have a little cream here and there:

Cream-filled donut without any cream

7. The person who had the UNTHINKABLE happen to them:

Ice cream sandwich missing one side of the sandwich

8. The person who had to uncover this horrific sight:

A pile of contact lenses deposited behind a bed

9. The person whose sink is officially sunk:

Bathroom sink with a big hole in it

10. The person who's gonna be eatin' good tonight:

Tupperware that melted in the oven

11. The person whose bag of food is really going places:

A bag of food wedged between closed subway doors

12. The person who will have to bridge the English Channel just to listen to "Today's Top Hits" or whatever in stereo:

AirPod headphones, one in the UK and one in Italy, seen on a map

13. The person whose pizza seems to have been cooked in the fires of Hades itself:

Pizza cooked to a black crisp

14. The person who was apparently eating a well-trodden pizza:

Footprint on the inside of a pizza box

15. The person who got a little extra protein with their flapjack:

Mosquito that flew into pancake batter

16. The person who will never, ever forgive the birds that did this to them:

Person whose hand got pooped on by a bird while they were eating a sandwich

17. The person who will forever curse Mother Nature for this cruel joke:

Large fruit that fell on a car windshield and shattered it

18. The person who apparently works 15 hours a day in the Bowman Co. coal mines before immediately sitting down to play God of War:

Dirty PS5 controller

19. The person who paid way too much money for a bag of air with some bread thrown in:

Bread from a $16 loaf with big holes in it

20. The person who might want to grab the pliers:

Flattened ring that fell in a garbage disposal

21. And the person who apparently ordered their hamburger "well gooped":

Raw burger inside a bun when person asked for medium